Monday, November 15, 2010

Leading that Brings Healing

Leading that Brings Healing

Lord, I need to understand the difference between leading that wounds and leading that heals.  I have nothing to do with choosing the people I lead.  That is beyond me and was your decision before the foundations of the world.  When it comes to leading that brings healing, I must remember two truths:  First, God’s preparation for me as a leader is to learn that all wisdom and knowledge come from his Spirit (I Cor. 12: 8).   Like the people I lead, God gives these supernatural gifts as he chooses.  Second, I need to let my team, my family, my students, my patients see me worship God.

I take my lead from the Old Testament prophets.  Daniel was known as a worshiper of the Most High God.  He lived in a city where pagan gods were worshiped, pagan philosophies were sought after and the Scriptures were ignored.  I live in a similar culture and Daniel’s healthy reverence for God speaks to me.  I must be consumed with the God who is for me.  I have no business being consumed with my ministry, the way others see me, or what agendas would please them.  That’s when I wound people with my leading.  I love the word that says, “Since we have such a hope, we are very bold” (II Cor. 3:12).   That’s when my leading brings healing; worshiping God opens his heart to me. Once I catch a glimpse of the wonder and greatness of God, I speak freely, openly, fearlessly.

My whole business as God’s leader is to be about raising my heart to him with love. Like Daniel, I am anointed (set apart with fullness) to display that my power, ability and sufficiency are from God.  Daniel’s friends saw him worship God before he knew the outcome of his bold confrontation with King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 2: 20-23).  I am to be fully engaged in the lives around me, asking good questions, problem solving, offering a listening ear.  But I must remember that being a leader who brings healing means I must be an example that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10).

I cannot call myself to lead, nor can I manage myself to lead in way that brings healing; but I can keep myself spiritually clean before God, ask for wisdom, and depend on his revelations. 

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because the Lord anointed me, to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the broken the hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners . . ." Isaiah 61: 1-2.